There are three options when fitting a cordette watch strap:
Open Ended Cordmaster Watch Strap
The leather Cordmaster straps, available in
black or brown leather, have an open ended strap
fitting with a metal clip similar to the standard open ended watch straps, but in addition to the metal retaining clip
the strap is also attached to a metal spike inside the clip to stop it from pulling loose.
1. To fit a cordmaster watch strap to your watch you need to release the leather strap cord from the retaining spike inside the metal clip, then thread the cord
through the ring on the watch head. Remember to check that you have attached the correct part of the strap to each side of the watch. Usually the buckle
end of the strap is attached to the watch head at the 12 o'clock position and the strap end with the holes is attached to at the 6 o'clock position.
2. Once the cord has been looped through the watch head ring re-attach the strap to the metal spike and close the metal clip with a pair of pliers.
1. To fit this type of cordette watch strap you will need to use pliers to open the ring. Slip this through the watch lugs, ensuring that you connect the
correct end of the strap to the watch. Usually the buckle end of the strap is attached to the watch head at the 12 o'clock position and the strap end with
the holes is attached to at the 6 o'clock position.
2. Once connected to the watch head use the pliers to close the ring. The strap is now fitted.
3. Alternatively this Cordette strap can also be connected to a watch by removing the metal ring that sits around the strap and clips the two pices of the cord strap
together and then looping the end of the strap through the watch lugs and pushing the strap through the loop to hold the strap in place - effectively using a slip
knot to secure the strap to the watch.
Joint Ended Cordette Watch Strap
The Cordette Watch
Strap with joint end fitting is fitted to the watch head using the ring that is connected to the end of the watch strap. Connected to the rind is a separate
ring with a very fine hole through it. This connects into the fitting on the watch head, where a fine pin is pushed through the hole to connect the strap to the
watch head.
Both the Ring Ended Cordette Watch Strap and the Joint Ended Watch Strap can also be connected to a watch by removing the metal rings from the straps and then
looping the end of the strap through the watch lugs and pushing the strap through the loop to hold the strap in place - effectively using a slip knot to
secure the strap to the watch.