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Genuine Replacement Casio Case Seals by Model Number

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Genuine Replacement Casio Watch O-ring Seals (Gaskets) by Model Number

Genuine Casio watch case o-ring seals (gaskets) for Casio watches.

Step 1. Find the watch Model Number, from the back of your watch (see image below).

Casio G-2900 watch case showing watch model number

Click on image to enlarge.

Step 2. Click on the first letter of your Casio watch Model Number from the list below.

Step 3. Select your watch model from the table to see the replacement watch seal.

If you cannot find the seal for your watch listed here, please contact us using our Contact Us form or call us on 01793 497776 and we will try to obtain the sealyou require.

A - for Casio model numbers such AMW-105D, AQ-164W and AW-560
B - for Casio Baby-G watches such as BEM-506, BG-60, BGA-123 and BGR-30
C - for Casio watches such as CMD-40
D - for Casio watches such as DBW-30D, DW-003, DW-5600 and DW-D5500
E - for Casio watches such as ECW-M300, EF-560D, EFA-131D and EQW-M600
F - for Casio watches such as FTW-100D, FT-121H and FT-600WB
G - for Casio G-Shock watches such as G-100, GA-300, GS-1050 and GW-2500
H - for Casio G-Shock watches such as HDC-700
L - for Casio watches such as LA-670WA1, LTP-1221A and LTF-106D
M - for Casio watches such as MDV-103D, MQ-24, MSG-300C and MTG-960D
O - for Casio watches such as OC-100, OCW-T1010 and OCW-120D
P - for Casio watches such as PAG-40 and PRG-50
R - for Casio watches such as RL-302D and RL-303D
S - for Casio watches such as SHE-4024L, SHN-3007D and SPF-70
T - for Casio watches such as TRT-100H
W - for Casio watches such as W-720, WV-58U, WVA-430D and WVQ-M410DE

If you cannot find the o-ring seal for your watch please contact us using our Contact Us form or call us on 01793 497776 and we will try to obtain the seal you require.